London Borough of Hackney
and the City of London
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Public Health team for London Borough of Hackney and the City of London has a statutory duty to produce an assessment of the health needs of the two boroughs. This assessment was produced as a long written document divided into chapters that tackle different health-related issues. Following research and stakeholder engagement sessions, the Public Health team determined that the PDF, narrative form of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) was not currently meeting the needs of its audience, who want to access the information contained within the JSNA in a more flexible way according to their interests.
What we did
- User research
- Information architecture
- Wireframing
- Visual design
- CMS build
- Testing
The solution
Create a digital JSNA, reimagined in a simple, interactive, and flexible form. We created an intuitive and extensive menu system that allowed people who were more familiar with the PDF version of the JSNA, to easily find their way around the content. In addition, we created a powerful search and topic-based navigation that allowed extensive filtering of the results.
The JSNA for the City of London often use the entire JSNA data for both boroughs, as there are large areas of overlap. However, users may be choosing to use one over the other, therefore missing out key information. Our solution was to ensure that all data available was used in the new JSNA.
Most users would access the JSNA on a desktop or laptop computer at their place of work, however, care was taken to ensure the new JSNA works on devices of any screen size, and input type.
We also worked with the Hackney Vision User Group (HVUG), to ensure and test that accessibility was a core-value of the new JSNA and was a shared responsibility between everyone involved in its creation. We recommended creating minimum acceptable accessibility standards for users of all abilities inline with We also engaged with the local community and members of the HVUG to help test the final product, ensuring that it was a good user experience.
The outcome
The new JSNA transformed into a website which was easy to use, navigate and accessible to all users. This, along with a strong communications strategy, proved to be an invaluable tool for Hackney and the City of London.
For the people familiar with the JSNA it is a vital tool, however there is a wealth of information available beyond the core users and it is proving to be an essential part of the toolkit of anyone developing local health and wellbeing services for Hackney and the City of London.

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